The Metrobus just keeps rolling to everywhere
Do you ride Metrobus? If your answer is no, I suggest you reconsider and test out a bus. The reasons are simple. If you live in the Washington DC metropolitan area, you have dealt with traffic at some point. But for those who ride the bus for a commute to and from work/school, you know how convenient many of the bus routes can be as a transportation option. For several years, I have lived within 1 block of the Columbia Heights Metro Stop. But in the years prior to me becoming a realtor, I commuted to work at the World Bank via Metrobus, not Metrorail.
“Learning bus options will also open you up to new neighborhoods for your next home too; if you can get a bus there, you can live there too!”
Simply put, there were multiple buses available to me that were more convenient than riding the Metro. This is often the case for most people, but upon first glance the Metrobus system lacks discernible logic. I could tell you how there is a method to the bus route designations, how the metro area map has been turned into a grid which is applied to the bus route naming convention, but methinks your eyes will glaze over my typewritten details. As an alternative, I suggest you select a place you commonly go to from where you live and pay attention to bus route signs along the way, or at least signs near your house and close to your chosen destination. Then look online to determine a time to try out your trip. And asking a Metrobus driver how to get somewhere is also a quick way to learn a new travel method. Most of the drivers are capable of directing you to and from a destination or neighborhood. Two additional useful tips - look out for Metro Express Buses. The Express buses make fewer stops, typically at larger intersections, which offer great ways to get places quicker. The same can be said for the DC Circulator buses, and you can use your SmartTrip card on all of these buses, including some commuter buses too. Learning bus options will also open you up to new neighborhoods for your next home too; if you can get a bus there, you can live there too!
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